Saturday, February 14, 2009


Irish Stock Exchange London Stock Exchange and AIM Market OFEX and PLUS OFEX is the UK's independent market focused on small and medium enterprises from around the world and PLUS is an equity market based on the quote-driven equity trading system, for listed and unlisted securities. London Securities and Deriviatives Exchange (OMGROUP) Channel Islands Stock Exchange TradePoint Stock Exchange in the UK. European Market Indexes from FINIX Euronext Paris, Amsterdam, Lisbon, Brussels exchages plus Liffe Data. EASDAQ -- Based in Belgium, this exchange was created to assist growing companies with international aspirations. Its members are banks and brokerages in the member states of the European Union.
Luxembourg Stock Exchange Bolsa de Madrid - Stock Exchange Bolsa de Barcelona - Stock Exchange La Borsa Valoria Italiana. (This site in English.) Viennese Stock Exchange (formed from the merged Viennese Stock Exchange and Austrian Options & Futures Exchange) Goethe Investment Society at Frankfurt University has information on, and links to, German and Austrian securities markets, as well as others. A lot of this is in German. Hamburg Exchange. Berlin-Bremen Exhange. German Exchange Group (Deutsche Börse Group) in English and German. -- Real time Swiss stock quotes, and more.. Swissinvest -- Stock Quotes, information on Swiss-based Companies, Financial Services, and Products, Investment Opportunities, and more.. Geneva (Swiss) Stock Exchange SWX Swiss Stock Exchange World Box provides info. on public companies in Switzerland and Liechtenstein Macedonian Stock Exchange Athens, Greece Stock Exchange Cyprus Stock Exchange

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